Well, we are already in 2022, from our School we continue to train professional facilitators with the Process Work methodology
After closing 2021 with 3 new graduates: Blanca Fariña, Meritxell Martínez and Inma Pascual, who join the list of local graduates, 13 in total.
This 2022 we are still determined to grow so that you can also grow.
13, nice number! Many of them have graduated and are already part of the School’s teaching team.
1. Mireia Parera (2018)
2. Cesar Fernandez Perez (2018)
3. Conchi Pineiro (2019)
4. Eva Sanchez (2019)
5. Sergio Barrientos (2020)
6. Nuria Danish (2020)
7. Sara Carro (2020)
8. Anna Pujol (2020)
9. Barbara Rabinad (2020)
10. Ana Espadale (2020)
11. Blanca Farina (2021)
12. Meritxell Martinez (2021)
13. Inma Pascual (2021)
We want to thank you all for accompanying us on this path, this 2021 which has been the 10th anniversary of the School (modest and silent due to the health situation) and after these two very hard years after the pandemic of the COVID19 worldwide in March 2020 and that has changed the way we live so much.
We are absolutely delighted and honoured to introduce Blanca, Meritxell and Inma into our international community of Processwork Diplomates.

Blanca was originally from Galicia and studied as part of our second cohort of formal students in Barcelona, bringing a passionate interest and desire for understanding the magic of process, nature and the underlying reality. She has undertaken a deep, transformative and inspiring journey into her inner experience. We especially love her commitment to unfolding the creativity behind lived experience in her work in conflict, with individuals and organisations and we are so glad and grateful to be part of her team during these years.
Her final project, entitled “ PROCESSWORK AND FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS: Rivers of the same waters? A COMPARATIVE VIEW” emerged as a result of her interest in exploring the field and how her childhood and later experiences of altered states could be welcomed, navigated and unfolded. This will be available in English and Castilliano in the autumn.
We wholeheartedly celebrate her with her warm heart, collegiality and learning spirit to our international community!
And also our newest Diplomates: Inma Pasqual & Meritxell Martinez i Bellafont.
Inma and Meritxell have both many years of facilitating important world work, and now as Diplomates we are proud to add their contribution to our international networks. Most recently, Inma has facilitated several open forums on sexual and violence against women, in women’s prisons here in Catalunya, as well as her ongoing work as a therapist and facilitator.

Meritxell is currently working in Senegal, with her partner Adrian Crescini, combining theatre of the oppressed and Processwork in trainings for grassroots and local leaders. When she is in Europe. Meritxchell works with a broad cross section of the population ranging from recently arrived migrant youth, to local government trainings on rank and power and more.

Inma is originally coming from Valencia, last years living in Barcelona, she studies process work from 2014, she is trained also in Theater of oppressed. She works with individuals and groups. More info about Inma you can find here in Spanish or Catalan https://inmapascual.net/es/qui-soc-2. Her final project is expression of her long term dedication to support victims of gedner violance, specifiacly sexual agressions and also of her interest to process and transform systemic dynamics connected with sexual agressions – SILENCE – the impact of sexual violance in the community (original title in Spanish – El Silencio – El impacto de la violencia sexual en la comunidad.
Here is what Inma says about her Final project:
THE SILENCE. The impact of sexual violence on the community.
This work is born from the need to provide a community response to experiences related to sexual violence. Historically, these are impacts that have been experienced and sustained in silence and individually, but which are the result of a culture of rape, machismo and patriarchy.
Thanks to feminist movements, this silence is beginning to be broken and to be expressed socially, and therefore, we need to learn how to accompany the impact that it generates individually and collectively.
Here you will find how to accompany the trauma that is generated from Process Work, ritual, the restorative gaze and the processes of community accountability.
Meritxell Martinez i Bellafont. She is an expert in participatory Community Development processes, Power relationships, Diversity Awareness, and Intercultural Forum Theater. Degree in Social Education
and Economics. Co-director and co-founder of La Xixa Association, https://www.laxixateatre.org,where she works as a group facilitator, trainer, and with individual sessions; she performs management and
coordination tasks for more than 25 local, national and international projects.
Her final project “ FACILITATION INTERVENTIONS INPOLARISED FIELDS: How do I stay present in a strong polarization situation and what are the facilitation options available to me?” reflects on her own experience of polarization with the hope that results will be useful for other facilitators working in polarized fields. As an appetizer a quote from the work: “In my childhood memories, as far as I can remember, I had always been aware that if you are not part of the > solution, you are part of the problem; if you do nothing on a social issue, you are on the side of the oppressor. These are memories in which I was very conscious of living in a polarized world, where I was part of the oppressed part that had to fight not to disappear. In my> case, this was expressed through my Catalan identity”
With lots of love and appreciation for this amazing journey
Gill, Boris,Andy,Evelyn and all the Spanish Process Work School team