The Process Work and Deep Democracy Institute is a state-level nonprofit organisation, created in 2012. The institute is made up of faculty members and advanced stage (Phase II) students undertaking the Process Work Diploma.

Our mission is to increase public awareness about Process Work and its diverse applications. These include therapy, organizational development, community work, and facilitation aimed at healing global conflicts.
Increase awareness about PW from local to international arenas
Encourage the application of PW in psychology and psychiatry, as well as in organizational and community development and conflict management
Deepen the knowledge and scope of the various applications of TP
Ensure accessibility in a non-discriminatory manner through creation of grants enabling accessible training, and through initiatives aimed at raising funds for social and community development projects
Organization chart

On an international level, our training programs and activities are recognized by the International Association for Process Oriented Psychology (IAPOP) and meet the requirements established by the IAPOP