Kate Jobe is known for her expertise in working with movement as a means to unfold the deep messages that are expressed through the body and through the seemingly unsurmountable challenges that occur in life. She works with individuals in psychological counselling and coaching and with organizational development and conflict work in groups and organizations in her practice in Winterthur, Switzerland where she lives.
She is passionate about the body’s role in healing the past and in revealing the life path forward. Kate is a founder of the Processwork Institute (PWI) in Portland, IAPOP and Processwork Ireland in Dublin. She has taught and practiced Processwork for over 30 years and has facilitated political and social hot spots. She is currently on the faculty of Institut für Prozessarbeit (IPA) in Zürich, PWI and Zürich-run training programs in Russia. Kate is the founder and CEO of Lao Tse Press, Inc., publisher of the Journal of Process Oriented Psychology and various books by Arnold Mindell and others. She is a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist/Educator, MA, and Certified Laban Movement Analysts. Kate is passionate about creativity and stays close to hers through painting, gardening and cooking.